Garrneal replied

400 weeks ago

Surviving The Storm: The Storm Is Passing Over
by Psalm Okpe

->>->>->>DOWNLOAD BOOK Surviving The Storm: The Storm Is Passing Over

EVERYDAY WE ARE FACED with decisions and choices to make and depending on how informed, proud, arrogant, religious, weak or strong, greedy, emotionally stable etc we take steps that more often than not, get us into quagmires. As we consider what to do or try to get extricated, we find ourselves getting even more messed up. Some people would cry 'help I'm drying up” others would ask “Oh God why me, why am I in this situation” others still, in shame would try to cover up by keeping everyone at arms length “lest anyone come close and see my nakedness.” This book aimed at both those suffering, and those God has placed in a position to help them, tries to let everyone know that God has no favorites, that no matter a man's social status, pedigree, or messed up situation, God still loves him and wants him as His bride. We are born of a sperm that can not be destroyed and it's the sperm of God which is His word and His spirit. This means that we are indestructible and is no situation, circumstance or storm of live that is strong enough to destroy a Christian. This is the truth because the bible says so … Being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of God that lives and abides forever. Stop the anxiety, stop the fear, the storm is passing over … for the things which we see are temporary the persecution is temporary, the affliction is temporary the failure is temporary, the childless marriage is temporary, the marital trouble is temporary, it may last one week, one month, one year or more but you are of an indestructible sperm and the storm is passing over now.

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(October,,,1900)Retrieved,,September,,11,,,2008^,,,,"Oldest,,,,living,,,,Texas,,,,Republican,,,,celebrates,,,,113th,,,,birthday",,,,El,,,,Paso,,,,County,,,,Republican,,,,Party,,,,(September,,,,2001)^,,,a,,,b,,,McComb,,,,David,,,GThe,,quote,,concludes,,by,,saying,,that,,life,,is,,about,,learning,,to,,dance,,in,,the,,rain[&],,philosiblogExamine,,mens,,ruling,,principles,,,even,,those,,of,,the,,wise,,,what,,kind,,of,,things,,they,,avoid,,,and,,what,,kind,,they,,pursue.If,,you,,desire,,to,,make,,a,,difference,,in,,the,,world,,,you,,must,,be,,different,,from,,the,,world.Every,,step,,you,,take,,,is,,a,,step,,away,,from,,where,,you,,used,,to,,be^,,,,History,,,,of,,,,Galveston,,,,Island^,,,,Colby,,,,,Frank,,,,Moore;,,,,et,,,,alFiona,,,237,,,books,,,view,,,quotes,,,,,,Jun,,,26,,,,2017,,,09:53PM,,, 5d8a9798ff

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last edited 378 weeks ago by Garrneal
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