c5c6fea75a There are going to be a lot of boys who are going to try to drag you down instead of bring you up. However, after that, they're done. Don't let anyone tell you who to be. 5. Keep studying hard and anyone who thinks it's uncool is going to have fun seeing you be wildly successful in 10 years. They truly want nothing but the best for the three of us, and they would never purposely point us down the wrong path.
Wear whatever the hell makes you feel pretty. So, little one, please learn from my stupid mistakes so that you can keep being way cooler than me. If you don't get something the first time, try again, especially if it's something you love. Don't quit just because something is hard. Since I'm older, I've got some advice for you. Digital Track Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. One of the best parts of being a big sister is that I get to watch my younger sister grow into an incredible young woman. She is also the one person I can trust to be totally objective and tell it like it is. Sta.sh Submit Sta.sh Sta.sh Writer DeviantArt muro Submit DeviantArt Hide Media Preview Submit Comment Add Media Style Skin: Change skin Upload Files .
Garrneal replied
458 weeks ago