Report - Use this option to report inappropriate correspondence or spam. Powered by Mediawiki. Show more unanswered questions Ask a Question 200 characters left Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Block Messages - Prevents your contact from being able to send messages to you. Mute notifications for specific conversations Lisa Eadicicco There may be instances in which you dont need to see every notification coming from a particular conversation. To do so, click the gear icon in the bottom-right corner of the page, click Turn Off Chat in the pop-up window, check the "Turn off chat for all contacts" option, and click Okay. Thanks! Yes No Not Helpful 0 Helpful 2 What does the green dot by the phone icon mean? wikiHow Contributor The green dot on Facebook's messenger indicates that that particular person is online on a mobile device rather than a computer. Steps 1 Go to the Facebook webpage. Flag as. MESSAGES LOG IN Log in Facebook Google Civic wikiHow Account No account yet? Create an account EXPLORE Community DashboardRandom ArticleAbout UsCategoriesRecent Changes HELP US Write an ArticleRequest a New ArticleAnswer a RequestMore Ideas. From here you can choose to mute notifications for as little as 15 minutes or until you decide to manually turn them on again. Sample Emoticons Facebook Emoticons You're helping people by reading wikiHow wikiHow's mission is to help people learn, and we really hope this article helped you. EDIT Edit this Article . You can access messages marked as spam by tapping the See filtered requests link at the bottom of your Requests inbox. Instead, notes from people you arent friends with appear as requests within Facebook Messenger. 164.. When participating in a group message, tap the phone icon at the top of the screen to call all of the people involved in the conversation. Home Categories Computers and Electronics Internet Website Application Instructions Social Networking Facebook Facebook Basics ArticleEditDiscuss Edit ArticleHow to Use Facebook Chat One Methods:Sample EmoticonsCommunity Q&A This wikiHow teaches you how to use the website version of Facebook's "chat" feature. Theres also a space to send a note about the payments purpose. Messenger also filters these messages if it believes them to be spam. Clicking it will open the chat settings menu, which contains the following options: Open in Messenger - Opens your current conversation in Facebook's full-screen Messenger app. After opening a message thread, tap the i icon in the upper right corner on Android, or the participants name at the top of the screen if youre using an iPhone. The nickname will only exist in that particular conversation. The chat is private between you and the person you are chatting with. Mute Conversation - Turns off notifications for the chat. If that circle shows the recipients profile photo, it means that person has seen your message. In a conversation, tap the name of the person or group if youre using an iPhone, or press the ibutton that appears at the top of the screen if youre using an Android. Share a Dropbox file Lisa Eadicicco If you have the Dropbox app, you can send files directly through Facebook Messenger. 9 Click the "X" in the top-right corner of the window. 6 Add a person to the chat. Submit Already answered Not a question Bad question Other EditRelated wikiHows How to Appear Offline to Some People on Facebook How to Block Someone in Facebook Chat How to Make Smileys on Facebook Chat How to Tag Photos on Facebook How to Turn Off Chat Sounds on Freelancer How to Permanently Delete a Facebook Account How to Recover a Disabled Facebook Account How to Use Facebook How to Change Your Name on Facebook How to Log Out of Facebook Article Info Categories: Facebook Basics In other languages: Espaol:chatear en Facebook,Portugus:Usar o Chat do Facebook,Italiano:Utilizzare la Chat di Facebook,: Facebook,Deutsch:Auf Facebook den Chat benutzen,Franais:utiliser la messagerie instantane de Facebook,Bahasa Indonesia:Menggunakan Facebook Chat Discuss Print Edit Send fan mail to authors Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 152,764 times. Then, choose the Notifications option in the menu. Flag as. 3 Click a Facebook friend's name. It's located at If you're already logged into Facebook, doing so will open your News Feed. If your friend is online, they will be able to answer your call. Turn Off Chat for [Name] - Makes you appear offline to the person with whom you're chatting. If chat is turned off, first click the "Turn on chat" link at the bottom of the chat column. Look for the tiny circle next to the message youve sent. Thanks! Yes No Not Helpful 0 Helpful 0 What does it mean on the chat page if the phone symbol has a green dot on it? wikiHow Contributor It means that the person whose account you are looking at is online using their phone instead of a computer 5a02188284 facebook for samsung omnia 2 i8000hacks para the sims social facebooklike status facebook di hpwhat is a private facebook profilehow to change relationship status on facebook app on phonefacebook camera java appwindows 8 change facebook accountdescargar fotos de perfil para facebookfacebook ad makerdownload free facebook sms
Garrneal replied
374 weeks ago