To celebrate Rob's big promotion, his lover, Beth, and friends, decide to throw a big surprise farewell party, now that he is about to move in Japan. However, a deafening explosion and the arrival of an enormous scaly and gangly creature will abruptly interrupt the festivities, as all hell breaks loose in New York City, and the Statue of Liberty is decapitated. As the reptilian behemoth levels Manhattan, a daring dash to rescue Beth begins, while at the same time, everything is recorded through the lens of a hand-held camcorder, amid mayhem and destruction. In the end, where did this relentless invader come from, and above all, is there a chance of survival? During a surprise leaving party, the lights go out and the ground begins to shake. With explosions happening everywhere, the party-goers decide to leave the apartment. Accompanied by a hand-held video camera, Hud manages to capture on film the terrifying incidents that occur. I couldn't watch Cloverfield because the exact same unprofessional yet hugely successful technique used by the movie Blair Witch Project is repeated here. My dreaded nightmare realized again, some spastic guy behind the hand-held camera! If I want to see a home video I watch uncle Charlie and family's vacation in X beach resort. I guess the incredibly stupid new generation of film goers got used to watching America's Funniest Home Videos, reality shows, or unprofessional hand-held videos recorded by idiot teens on the net and are now accepting of this vomit-inducing abhorrence. The cinematographers of Citizen Kane would be turning in their graves if they knew about the sorry state of cinematography for the masses in the 21st century. Who needs tons of professional equipment, camera knowledge and technique, all you need is a cheap plastic toy and a shaky hand of a shocked and directionless person. <br/><br/>I fast-forwarded and fast-forwarded with the hope this abomination would end and serious camera work would take its place. I finally lost hope, but I didn't want to give up without at least getting a glimpse of the monster. It turns out the monster can tear apart an aeroplane in the sky, but somehow both the camera and the spastic cameraman are able to survive the crashing and continue filming! I decided the camera was filming out of the infamous black box that is made to withstand 39 g-forces and 11000c heat. <br/><br/>Maybe I'm wrong, the aeroplane didn't crash, for I didn't watch it long enough to make sure that was the case; still I gladly take the CGI effects of the 90s -e.g., a half man, half beast monster of The Relic or the huge snake that moves like a tiger in Anaconda- over this headache, stupidity, and unprofessionalism. I will admit, the marketing scheme behind this awfulness was clever. I mean, I like a good thrill ride monster movie. The Creature From the Black Lagoon piqued my curiosity as a youngster as I marveled at the brilliance of trying to understand something that has no explanation. However, it's hard to have this curiosity, no matter how intriguing the monster is, when the script is so tired its in a coma.<br/><br/>Yes, the monster is cool. No, the stupid hand-held camera gimmick didn't bother me. Yes, the special effects are great and at times I did find myself in awe of the spectacle on the screen as it does seem real, but the movie itself is so, so, so dumb. At any moment I felt comfortable to leave to use the restroom as I knew exactly what I was going to miss. The plot was a paint by numbers and I would have loved even a touch of Bob Ross to fill the blanks, but no originality whatsoever.<br/><br/>First they steal the overdone Hollywood bit about love. "Dude, if you love her, tell her." Response: "I can't tell her, unless a mutant alien/ocean creature tries to expunge the city, only then will I try and make my move." Why have this? Why not make the story the monster? Really, who cares about these characters? Who cares about Rob's job in Japan? It's flimsy? Why have it? The beginning clearly leads on that the camera is found, which means they all die. Standard operation of introducing characters that we shouldn't care about.<br/><br/>Second, they decide to steal a scene from a much better monster movie The Descent. "Let's try night vision on the camera." And this is in no way as scary as the movie that did it better. The Descent works better in every faction of story telling. It forces claustrophobia as it whispers the insanity and the entire film works as a metaphor for diving deep into the darkness of one's existence and summoning demons, ones we can't see coming (which is why I think those monsters were blind). Cloverfield does none of this. It's a, where can we run to next? saga. A 'B' movie. A well shot 'B' movie. <br/><br/>Third we have the comic relief one liner guy holding the camera. But in true fashion of a bad movie, he's not funny, just annoying. A few people in my viewing clapped when he was eaten. I love LOST. I think it's the best show on TV, but the writer here has proved that being a great psychological writer for the little screen does not translate to comedy. Bad Robot productions should hire one guy with a sense of humor. They may need him at some point. Hud's pinnacle of wit was "That's terrible" when he gets a good shot of the monster. Followed closely by, "That's terrible too" when we see when of its young-lings a few seconds later. Brilliant… improv? I can only guess the script consisted of locations and not so much dialogue since this boner had most of the words in the movie, words that seemed spontaneously driven from someone wait listed at community college. Horrible. I'm surprised he didn't utter, "That's terrible cubed" before he was engorged upon. Stupid, stupid, stupid.<br/><br/>Fourth, we have the killer/villain/monster has one last leap. Yes, we knew the helicopter was going down since they find the camera in Central Park. "We killed him" Hud proclaims, just before the monster elevates and slaps the helicopter to the ground. This is scary, why? Oh, it's not scary, and I find the idea of a thing like this really existing more logical than any of those bozos surviving the crash in the park. <br/><br/>Fifth, they've stolen from every Stephen King novel ever, because King should always have chapters taken out, and this movie should have been an hour long. Do we really need to see them walk up 57 flights of stairs and then back down and then bank up and then and then and then and then…. yes we do. Otherwise they don't have enough for a feature length movie. So trite and boring and not fascinating. Which is why the gimmick of a hand held camera was needed. Otherwise, they may actually need to give the characters some arc, have some purposeful shots of the monster, maybe create a reason for what it is and why it's there and, uh-oh, give it some originality. For anyone who thinks this movie is original it is probably because you are under 24 and either naive to creativity or just haven't seen any worthwhile movies. I wanted to like this I did, I really did. It just wasn't good. I can respect it, as I respect all movies that are made. It was well crafted and edited and the effects were amazing, but so what? All movies now have great effects. The Fantastic Four movies are not good, but their effects rock. War of the Worlds was awful, but I thought those things really came out of the ground. Effects and production don't make a movie. Not anymore. T-2, Jurassic Park, Men in Black, those movies were pioneers to FX being a character along with brilliant film-making. Now it is expected. Since it is expected there, I expect more from the story. This isn't it. If I were trapped in hell and I had a choice to watch either Cloverfiled or One Miss Call over and over, I'd pick One Miss Call. At least its badness is funny, which gives it some merit. Cloverfield is just bad. Textook, trite, clichéd, not smart, overdone, not scary, bad. Not as bad as Mission Impossible 2, but pretty darn close. It's not the life-changing movie experience the intense viral marketing attention would lead you to think it is, but its decision to focus on ground-level humanism rather than epic disaster is what separates it from the pack. –International Cinematographers Guild, "A Monster on the Loose" (Note: For aforementioned link, the article will only display correctly if JavaScript is disabled in your web browser.) The actual Panasonic HVX-200 video camera supposedly used to film "Cloverfield" was sold on eBay on January 23rd, 2008, for $4,605.00. The starting bid was $2,500.00. The eBay item number was 130190870984, and the listing was entitled "PANASONIC HVX-200 CAMERA USED ON THE MOVIE CLOVERFIELD". The listing contained the following description:<br/><br/>THIS FANTASTIC CAMERA IS A TRUE 24P HD MOTION PICTURE CAMERA, AND IT WAS USED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE MOVIE "CLOVERFIELD". I was the Digital Imaging Supervisor on the movie, and we used the HVX-200 extensively. "Cloverfield" is shot entirely from a video camera's point of view and THIS is that camera!! I bought this HVX as a backup camera to our main shooting cam. It was BARELY used throughout shooting, as shown by the picture below which lists the Operation and Recording Hours (6 Operation Hours and Not even ONE Recording Hour). Producer J.J. Abrams said, "It's a giant monster from the ocean." And he would say no more. The public saw it for themselves on opening night. It vaguely resembles a giant salamander, with gray, scaly flesh and a long, slender fish tail. It has long, gangly forearms like a wingless bat, large hind legs, similar to a grasshopper's in shape, and several pairs of vestigial limbs. What is certain beyond any doubt is that the monster is highly resistant to much of the U.S. Military offensive capabilities: several hours of incessant firing by various infantry, armoured fighting vehicles and aircraft had little to no effect. In his final and only appearance in daylight, the monster looks unharmed. However, in an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine, Abrams confirmed that the bombs ultimately kill him.<br/><br/>The big monster is not the only monster in the film. There are smaller (likely parasitic) monsters attached to the big one. These look like a cross between an angry shrimp and a camel spider. They are seen clinging and walking on the ceiling in the subway tunnel and can jump with great power when attacking. We see them attacking people throughout the movie. Because the monster seems to fluctuate in size, it is suggested that some of the small monsters are capable of becoming big ones. Director Matt Reeves said that the monster only appears to change its size because of the way it was filmed. "The monster has a pretty consistent size in the film," he says, "even though it's shot in such a way [at the end] that there is a perspective change that makes him look a bit smaller; but it is in fact the monster at his biggest."<br/><br/> had added a one-minute preview video clip of the movie that shows the monster for several seconds up close when the army first engages it early in the movie. The toy manufacturer, Hasbro, released a 14" model of the Cloverfield monster (with two interchangeable heads) that also includes 10 of the smaller parasite monsters with it. IGN added an article complete with photos about the Hasbro Cloverfield toy that was shown at the 2008 Toy Fair. The Cloverfield monster reminds video game fans of Sin, the parasite-shedding beast in <a href="/title/tt0284110/">Final Fantasy X</a> (2001) and the creatures from the PS3 game, <a href="/title/tt0841037/">Resistance: Fall of Man (2006)</a> (2006). Abrams says, The concept for the monster is simple. He's a baby. He's brand-new. He's confused, disoriented and irritable. And he's been down there in the water for thousands and thousands of years. Where is the monster from? "We don't say deliberately," notes the writer, <a href="/name/nm1206844/">Drew Goddard</a>, "Our movie doesn't have the scientist in the white lab coat who shows up and explains things like that. We don't have that scene." However, the film gives some clues. You can clearly see an object falling into the ocean behind Rob and Beth in the closing shot, though many internet commentators believe that this is a satellite that was part of the marketing campaign for the film. In the "viral" marketing campaign for the film, there were hints concerning the "Bloop" incident. Several times during the summer of 1997, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recorded an ultra-low frequency underwater sound using U.S. Navy "spy" sensors 3,000 miles apart. The origin of the sound is still unknown, but the frequency of the sound meant it had to be much louder than any recognized animal noise, including that produced by the largest whales, and much louder than the sounds produced by the Cloverfield monster. Also in the viral campaign were several news reports concerning the destruction of an oil drilling rig, further linking the creature to the deep ocean. On the website for "Slusho", it says an ingredient in the drink is found in the ocean that can "turn a man into a monster" and also the maker of the drink dreamed that he was "a small fish and when he ate the ingredient he turned into a giant whale". Information gleaned from the viral game tells us that a Tagurato submarine went six miles under the ocean and found the Cloverfield monster and his parasites. The sub scared the creatures, resulting in the destruction of the Chuio Station and Manhattan. There is a phenomenon known as deep-sea gigantism. The term means that some creatures, who are relatively small when conceived near to the surface, get progressively larger as they develop deeper and deeper in the ocean. For example, squid are usually a maximum of 60 cm in length, but the Giant Squid, which can reside at depths of over 900 m, can reach up to 13 m in length. As for what kind of creature grew to that size, the monster does somewhat resemble animals in the amphipod order. It could be posited that the monster was disturbed by the oil drilling rig and then followed a tanker ship to the New York harbor (the first thing it destroyed was a tanker ship), where it then proceeded to rip apart the city, finding it a threat. The little creatures that attached themselves to it could be ectoparasites that live on the monster.<br/><br/>One might imagine that the monster's strength, and the toughness of its skin, might be some sort of adaptation to the extremely high pressures of the deep ocean. But this would be wrong, because real-life deep sea organisms do not require such features to survive. As discussed here, it is differences in pressure that are dangerous to organisms, so they will experience no significant problems as long as the liquid in their body is at equally high pressure as the surrounding water, and as long as they have no gas-filled body cavities at lower pressure like humans do. The MarineBio Conservation Society's article "The Deep Sea" states (in the "Pressure" subsection), With good samples, we now know that deep sea creatures have adapted to pressure by developing bodies with no excess cavities, such as swim bladders, that would collapse under intense pressure. The flesh and bones of deep sea marine creatures are soft and flabby, which also helps them withstand the pressure. As for respiration, while it is unlikely that the monster could breathe the air if it really was a deep-sea organism, the deep ocean is a low-oxygen zone, meaning the monster would have had to develop ways to absorb and process what oxygen it had available, as well as store it for long stretches of time.<br/><br/>Sites such as describe(d) a secret ingredient for a drink named Slusho. This ingredient named Seabed Nectar is found deep underwater under awesome pressure and in freezing temperatures. It is possible that this chemical mutated a deep sea animal and created the monster or that the chemical came from the monster itself. A normal living organism of ordinary density could not realistically grow to the size of the Cloverfield monster and still be able to support its weight on land. As discussed in Section 3 of "The Biology of B-Movie Monsters", if one imagines increasing the size of a creature without changing its proportions, the load-bearing strength of its legs will increase in proportion to their cross-sectional area (meaning that if you multiply the creature's length by N, the legs can bear N² times as much weight) but its weight will increase more rapidly in proportion to volume (so if you multiply the creature's length by N, the weight will increase by N³). This is why larger land organisms need to have proportionally thicker legs to support themselves. And yet, as seen in the movie, the legs of the monster do not appear particularly thick in proportion to its body. A physicist calculates here that a land animal could not grow much larger than 10⁵ or 10⁶ kilograms (also, 100 or 1,000 tonnes). If it were any larger than that its legs would need to be so thick it would be unable to move. The largest dinosaurs probably didn't weigh much more than 60 tonnes (66 tons) (see here), while the paleontologist Kenneth Carpenter estimates in "The Official Godzilla Compendium" that if Godzilla is imagined to be 100 feet tall (30 metres tall), it would weigh around 9,800 tonnes (10,800 tons); the Cloverfield monster would presumably be even larger, given that the Statue of Liberty is over 111 feet (33.8 metres) from its feet to its head, and the base that it stands on is over 150 feet high (46 metres high) (see here). If the monster approaches this height, its length must be nearly 500 feet (150 metres). So, an organism made out of the usual biological materials could not really have the size and proportions of the monster without collapsing under its own weight. In comparison the largest dinosaurs (based on a scattering of remains) would have attained a maximum length of 200 feet (61 metres) and a height of 60 feet (18 metres). However, one could posit that the monster might be made out of significantly stronger materials than anything found in known earthly organisms; perhaps the tensile strength of its legs are closer to steel or carbon nanotubes than to bone. They appear to be nothing more than parasites, like barnacles. They have no relation to the monster's species in any way. Matt Reeves confirmed this by referring to the smaller creatures as "parasites" in the Slashfilm interview "Cloverfield Monster In Detail": The parasites have a voracious, rabid, bounding nature, but they also have a crab-like crawl, Reeves explains. They have the viciousness of a dog, but with the ability to climb walls and stick to things. No. Differences in the main monster's appearance, such as color and size, can be explained by lighting and camera angles. In the film, the military refer to just one: "Whatever it is, it's winning." The filmmakers have consistently referred to it as "the monster" rather than "monsters." Director Matt Reeves has confirmed that the way the creature is filmed merely creates the illusion that there are differences in size. Yes: Media and Entertainment website IGN added an article complete with photos about the Hasbro Cloverfield toy that was shown at the Hasbro 2008 Toy Fair. The following pictures are from the video titled 'The Monster Revealed': (1) Clover's Face, (2) Clover's Face(v2), (3) Clover's Face(v3), (4) Clover's Face (Casual), (5) Clover's Body, (6) Clover's Body(v2), (7) Clover's Body(v3), (8) Clover's Foot, and (9) Clover's Arm. The coelacanth, an order of fish known from the fossil record and thought to have been extinct since the end of the Cretaceous era (about 70 million years ago), a classic example of what is known as a "Lazarus taxon", a species thought to have been extinct but found to still be alive. The first modern coelacanth was actually discovered off the eastern coast of South Africa (not Madagascar). Today, coelacanths are found in Madagascan waters as well. Some think that the creature Hud mentions might have been the megamouth shark, however, megamouth sharks were not known to science at all and, thus, not thought to have been extinct before being discovered. The first specimen of the megamouth shark was discovered near Hawaii, the other side of the world from Madagascar. It is about three miles' distance. A person walking briskly travels at about three miles per hour (and most New Yorkers walk even faster). Considering that the protagonists were also in a hurry, they could have made the trip in well-under an hour. There have been several real life incidents of homeless people being set on fire in New York, as well as in other cities across the U.S., but there was no single perpetrator common to such attacks. For example on October 5th, 2007, a 48-year-old homeless man, Felix Najera, died after a group of teens set him on fire in East Harlem. On April 22nd, 1992, three Bronx teenagers set a 60-year-old homeless man on fire in a subway stairwell, and six more copycat incidents happened earlier that year in the subway system. On October 7th, 1988, 34-year-old Michael Howard died from being set on fire near Penn Station in Manhattan. In May 2001, three teenage boys set fire to 47-year-old Walter Eakman, who was drunk and sleeping in a stairwell, and who died two days later from his burns. A hammer down protocol (aka "carpet bombing") is a last resort measure in which a target location, such as a city, town, state or even a country, is completely destroyed using highly-explosive detonation devices like nuclear weapons or napalm bombs in hopes of eliminating a hostile entity. At first, she just feels dizzy. Then she starts to bleed from her eyes and ears, so the military personnel take her behind a curtain while shouting, "We've got a bite!" Watch closely and you'll see her stomach expand and burst blood all over the wall. Why this happens is unclear. Some possibilities that viewers have suggested include (1) something in the monster's saliva causes her body to create an excess of fluid or gas, (2) the bite from the parasites injects some sort of anticoagulant that breaks down the blood, causing it to ooze from her eyes and ears and to accumulate in her stomach, and (3) the small monsters reproduce by biting their prey and impregnating them (somewhat like the Alien movies. Note that as she's being taken away by two medics, a rifle is trained on her stomach). Marlena's death is actually foreshadowed when they exit the subway and get escorted to the infirmary. In one brief shot, a dead soldier, whose chest and stomach had burst open, is wheeled past on a stretcher and one soldier in a blue haz-mat suit explaining "another bite victim". Even earlier, when the monster first attacks, we hear a woman screaming in one of the ambulances. This is followed by some unusual noises. Her scream is loud and piercing. Later, Marlena makes the same horrible scream. Yes. When Marlena is first introduced, the Blood Arm song "Do I have your Attention?" is playing on the stereo at the party. In addition to providing a running commentary on Hud's attempts to pick up Marlena ("Oh, I'll try it again, despite all your rejection"), one of the song's lines, audible when the camera is zoomed in on Marlena's head and shoulders, is "Nobody notices 'til someone explodes." Marlena later explodes after being bitten by one of the parasites. This video shows that directly after the helicopter crash there is a picture of King Kong from the original movie, <a href="/title/tt0024216/">King Kong (1933)</a> (1933). In the static following the short clip of Beth on the train, there is also a picture from <a href="/title/tt0045546/">The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms</a> (1953). Elsewhere in the film, there is a picture from <a href="/title/tt0047573/">Them!</a> (1954). In Ukrainian, the man asks for help finding his daughter and his family. He says he wouldn't want to live without them. It doesn't. The camera is turned on and off many times throughout the night (a seven-hour period), which preserves the battery life for a cumulative recording time of about 74 minutes. This is well within the reach of a consumer digital camcorder. However, there is the larger question of finding a camera which can record 74 minutes of footage of the movie's quality, and can store 74 minutes of that footage on an SD card (as noted in the movie's opening title card [However, it's possible that the movie was filmed on tape (as said by the characters) and then transferred to an SD card.]).<br/><br/>Few, if any, consumer cameras can record footage which looks like the movie itself. The movie was shot on high-quality HD video cameras, either cinematic cameras or professional handheld cameras (e.g. the HVX-200 camera mentioned above) which give conspicuously high-quality results. The cinematic cameras used to film the movie record on film, disks, or non-SD memory cards. The handheld camera records on either P2 cards (which are not SD cards and also do not allow someone to "record over" footage as seen on the film, and are limited in their capacity) or MiniDV tapes (which provide the capacity and overwriting ability seen in the film but also are not SD cards). The audio quality is also (although authentically degraded) not of a quality expected of a consumer camera.<br/><br/>The camera used in the film is of no specific model. It is probably not the HVX-200 used in filming, as such a camera could not be carried around as easily and used one-handed as seen in the movie. Few consumer or prosumer digital cameras include the active near-IR night vision mode seen in the movie. A number of cameras use SD or cosmetically identical SDHC cards, and can record in a high-definition format for around 100 minutes, but do not meet the video quality requirements of the movie itself. A plausible explanation for the quality of the video? It's not hard to imagine that the military would use the most sophisticated technology at its disposal to "clean up" the footage in order to gather whatever information they could. In summary, the camera's battery life is consistent with consumer digital camcorders in general. The camera's ability to record such high-quality footage for such a time must be chalked up to dramatic license. It does exist, though it's not strictly an apartment complex. The building is the Time Warner Center, located at Columbus Circle on the southwest corner of Central Park. There are two towers, containing offices and residences, connected to one base which contains a shopping center. It was completed in 2003. Yes and no. Many New York subway stations received a faint signal near their entrances, or wherever there are gratings above that open to the sidewalk. Each station is different; but Rob stays fairly close to the stairway when he's on the phone. (See the question over when the movie takes place.) NYC subway stations were or should have been wired for cellular service by 2009; which if that's so, and if the movie really is set in 2009 or so, then it's even more likely that Rob would have gotten a signal. Though it might be coincidental, as the Spring Street station was a film set in California, the actual Spring Street station in Manhattan does receive fairly good reception for cell phone calls. The monster ordinarily crawls on four legs, and even when crawling is already comparable in height to many Manhattan skyscrapers. The monster has long and powerful back legs, and one theory is that the monster could easily reach much higher by standing up on its hind legs, or by leaping on its hind legs. The monster may have seen the helicopter's lights through the dust, and may have disliked bright lights, especially if the monster came from dark ocean depths. Another theory is that the monster could easily reach the helicopter with its mouth by standing or propelling itself with its front legs. The Hasbro 14″ replica toy of the Cloverfield monster depicts it with significantly longer and wider front legs than back legs as seen in the photograph here. The monster may have paralleled the helicopter's flight path by accident. It seems to attack at a single point as the helicopter takes off; but then it begins walking down a city street as the helicopter flees the scene. There are several possible reasons why the pilot did not alter his flight path away from the monster at that point. More than one explanation could simultaneously apply: (1) the pilot didn't notice the monster's direction of travel; (2) the pilot didn't believe the monster could threaten the crew at that altitude; (3) the altitude of the chopper was only barely above the highest Manhattan rooftops at that point, and it may have still been trying to gain altitude before changing direction; (4) the pilot may have been given orders to evacuate via a fixed route, and the pilot may have been reluctant to disobey his orders; (5) the pilot may have been instructed to stay on his current flight path in order to avoid the risk of being hit by the bombs falling near him from the B-2 bomber above him. The airspace over a battlefield is tightly controlled. Numerous force packages of attack aircraft and bombers are targeting the creature. And there is probably fire from artillery units as well. All of those use parts of the airspace above the battlefield. The evacuation helicopters would have been given certain routes that are free of high speed tactical aircraft; strategic bombers; the ordnance those platforms would be dropping; and the incoming artillery shells. To leave the narrow preplanned flight path would be to invite destruction by an air to air collision or by getting hit by ordnance or incoming fire. Specifically, does the U.S. Military use a nuclear weapon against the monster? Some reviewers have assumed they do. Although we never see the events after the rubble envelops the camera, the answer would appear to be no, for several reasons:<br/><br/>1. The two explosions that take place outside the tunnel, filling it with debris, appear to be from conventional weapons. A nuclear weapon would have produced a blinding white flash followed by a much larger "vaporizing-effect" explosion. Assuming the military was attempting a direct hit on the monster, and the monster was still nearby (meaning, still in the park with Rob and Beth), then Rob, Beth, the bridge, and the camera would have been completely vaporized, leaving no record.<br/><br/>2. The production team got all their geography and physics right. We can assume that had they intended to suggest a nuclear weapon, they would have portrayed it in the correct way, with the above-mentioned flash. The two distinctly separate explosions reinforce the idea that the filmmakers took great care with their effects.<br/><br/>3. Although the soldier refers to "level[ing] Manhattan", being "prepared to let this whole area go", and "Operation Hammer Down," no one uses the adjective "nuclear". The military may have been prepared to go that far, but there is no evidence that they use nuclear weapons during the events depicted the film. And even if the military had been prepared to use such weapons they do not control the use of nuclear weapons on the ground. It would have required direct Presidential action to authorize the use of a nuclear weapon.<br/><br/>4. The United States government would be extremely reluctant to use nuclear weapons to eliminate a threat on American soil. The blast would kill refugees in the surrounding boroughs and the additional problem of wide spread radioactive contamination, especially from a surface burst weapon, would have been unacceptable unless it was the absolute last resort.<br/><br/>5. There are a variety of large air dropped ordnance that would have been used before the deployment of a nuclear weapon. These include thermobaric weapons and fuel air explosives. Both of these use extremely large amounts of chemicals that rapidly react to produce tremendous quantities of heat and a large blast overpressure. Unlike nuclear weapons they do not produce radioactive fallout and their effects are generally far more limited in scope than most nuclear weapons. The Thermobaric bombs, and extremely large high explosive weapons such as the MOAB (massive ordnance air burst [aka "mother of all bombs"]) are guided by GPS so hitting a moving target, even one as large as the Cloverfield monster would be difficult. Other ordnance uses laser guidance so they can hit any target being designated (painted) by the correct type of laser. This includes "bunker buster" ordnance, which are several thousand-pound bombs with a thick steel casing designed to allow them to penetrate several yards of heavy concrete before detonating. In addition, seeing as the B2 Bomber's free fall bombs appeared to have some effect on the creature, there is no reason to suggest that a continuous saturation bombing using conventional missiles, artillery and bombs would not also have significant effect.<br/><br/>6. In addition, the two explosions suggest multiple bombs falling upon Central Park. If a nuclear device was being used, it would seem pointless in dropping several bombs prior to the nuclear detonation that some people believe to be the ending. Also, multiple bombings (conventional then nuclear) would require several different jets in the air. In order to drop a nuclear bomb, a specific type of jet is required, to shield it from the EMP (electromagnetic pulse) generated from the bomb. However, the Army may have used nuclear cruise missiles or heavy artillery instead of jets.<br/><br/>7. For the military to "retrieve" the camera (as stated in the opening title cards) from a nuclear blast zone would mean that after the bombing, they engaged in a massive search & recovery effort, which would have meant digging through many square miles of radioactive waste and rubble. Not only is this unlikely in itself, but for them to find and single out the miraculously undamaged footage from what would have been millions of personal effects scattered throughout Manhattan is borderline impossible.<br/><br/>8. Were nuclear weapons used after the events depicted? That's unlikely. Again, a nuclear explosion would have destroyed the recording inside the camera. Even if the blast and fireball did not destroy the camera the electromagnetic pulse would have destroyed the recording.<br/><br/>9. Finally, the smoking gun of the whole debate: in an interview with J.J. Abrams in Rolling Stone Magazine, when RS asked Abrams if the pictures on suggested that the monster is killed by the Military, Abrams responded, "Yes, he's dead. Ultimately the bombs kill him." The photographs referred to on are a picture of firstly, a picture of Naval Ships and Aircraft advancing out to sea with a sinking ship in the foreground, then another photo with many ships and aircraft bombing an area of the ocean, then another picture of bloody waters, and finally a photo of pieces of the monsters carcass washed up on against the shore. None of these photographs feature any nuclear weapons, only conventional missiles and bombs. The question does not have a clear answer. Of the main characters—Jason, Marlena, Lily, Hud, Rob, and Beth—Jason was killed (according to Rob) when the monster smashed its tail over the Brooklyn Bridge. Marlena certainly dies from a parasite bite that bursts her stomach open. Hud is bitten in half by the monster. Rob and Beth were most likely crushed to death by the bridge rubble, but their fate is open to question. (In an alternate ending, Beth can be heard screaming while someone picks up the camera.) Lily was put on a separate helicopter and never seen again. Therefore, she may have survived, but many viewers think that her helicopter was destroyed along with Rob's. We don't know. After her helicopter leaves, we don't see her again. One thing that suggests she might have died is that Lily has not logged back into her MySpace account. She has this in common with Hud and Marlena, who both unquestionably died, and Rob and Beth, who probably died. (Note that the real-life MySpace accounts for fictional characters are part of a marketing campaign; and no one is obligated to take publicity into account.) The survival of Lily has at least two arguments in its favor. Or rather, her survival has one argument in its favor and one common argument against it proven wrong. First, Rob lists the persons he saw killed by the monster—Marlena, Jason and Hud. He doesn't mention Lily, which at least suggests that he believes she's alive. Second, after the second helicopter takes off, we see a flaming mass thrown into a military truck. Many people have assumed that this is Lily's helicopter. But if you look closely it is obvious that the wreck is actually a truck. The mass is too small to be a helicopter, and a pair of headlights can be seen on the front. The special effects featurette on the DVD confirms that the flaming wreck is indeed a truck and not a helicopter (although, again, no one need take into account any evidence outside the film itself). Yes, the monster bites him in half. As the monster chews him, there is about one second where we can see Hud's legs sticking out between the monster's teeth, right before the monster bites down hard and Hud's top half goes spinning towards the ground. As he falls out of the monster's mouth, we can see his legs above him, still sticking out of the teeth. As the camera falls to the ground, we can see Hud's left hand flailing about in front of the camera; and we can see his face. When the top half of Hud's body lands on the ground, the camera is showing only his head (right profile shot) and shoulders. If you slow down the movie frame by frame, you can see his shadow on the ground, and it is that of an upper torso. (The can for some countries be seen on the YouTube video here.) Hud's fate is foreshadowed early in the movie. Marlena says that she witnessed the monster "eating people." On Hud's official viral page his height was changed, on the day following the movie's debut, to 2′6″. Nobody knows for sure; we don't actually see what happens to them when the bridge collapses. The camera gets buried under a pile of rubble after the first explosion. We can see Rob's back. He is hunched over, presumably in an attempt to protect Beth. After the end credits, there is a whisper that sounds like "Help us." When played backwards, it says, "It's still alive." Presumably, the voice is Rob's. But because it was Matt Reeves, and not the actor playing Rob, who recorded the message, the identity of the speaker is in doubt. It sounds like "Help us." But the line is backmasked, or played backwards. Played backwards, the line is "It's still alive!" Listen to the reversed line on here. It has been confirmed by the filmmakers that director Matt Reeves spoke the words. It has been speculated that he is supposed to be dubbing for Rob, but it seems just as logical that the voice belongs to an army person, who is monitoring the Central Park bombing, and radios that the attempt failed because the animal survived. Lily, Rob, Beth, and Hud make it to the evacuation spot at 40th and Park. Lily immediately gets whisked away in a helicopter, leaving the other three to board the next one. As the monster bears down on them, they jump into the copter and take off just as a bomb hits the monster, knocking it down. Thinking the bomb has killed the monster, they are devastated when it reaches up and grabs their helicopter, causing it to crash in Central Park. With only 15 minutes until the Hammer Down protocol begins, the four of them regain consciousness. They get free of their smashed helicopter and try to make a run for it, but the monster goes after them. It grabs Hud and bites him in two. Rob grabs the camera, and he and Beth take shelter under Greyshot Arch. The roar of the monster can be heard nearby, so they stay put. Suddenly, the air raid sirens sound, and the air force starts dropping bombs around them. Rob faces the camera and says:<br/><br/>My name is Robert Hawkins. It's 6:42 am on Saturday, May 23rd. Approximately seven hours ago, something attacked the city. I don't know what it is. If you found this tape…I mean, if you're watching this right now, then you probably know more about it than I do. Whatever it is, it killed my brother Jason Hawkins, and it killed by best friend Hudson Platt and Marlena Diamond and many, many others. We've crashed here in Central Park and taken shelter under this bridge. The military has begun bombing the creature, and we're caught in the middle. a5c7b9f00b the Halo 2 full movie in hindi free downloadBatman: The Killing Joke online freeCute as a Doll movie download hdThe Indivisibility of Blood movie in hindi free downloadhindi StuberJustice for All full movie online freeColourBleed movie in hindi free downloadSinister Mouse hd full movie downloadOne Riot, One Ranger full movie hindi downloadWar on Everyone full movie in hindi free download mp4
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I watched this movie you are talking about. This is a really good film, where you can see a wonderful acting and an equally gripping plot. This film reminded me of the Among Us game. The game does not compromise the film with its intrigue and everyone will like it.
Garrneal replied
338 weeks ago